Getting to know Goodwill of OC’s E-Commerce Business Manager Ted Mollenkramer.
Name: Theodoor Mollenkramer
Nickname: Ted
Title: E-Commerce Business Operations Manager
Years working at Goodwill of OC: 6
What is your favorite part about working at Goodwill?
Getting to know everyone’s story and learning how I can become a better leader for my team and my family. I also enjoy all the neat items that come to and finding their value.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like the nerdy stuff like comic books and action figures. I also like to further my martial art knowledge. Recently, I have been training on gun take away techniques which are really flashy when you do them in front of a crowd.
What is your favorite Goodwill memory?
When Nehemiah became the e-commerce manager of North Carolina Goodwill.
What is your hidden talent?
I do not really hide my talents here. Goodwill really exploits and uses all my talents. Just the way I like.
To me, Goodwill means…
Teach someone to fish and they will be able to eat for the rest of their days.
Check back here for more in our Five Questions With series soon!