Santa Ana, Calif., (June 7, 2019) — Goodwill of Orange County will partner with the Orange County Community Foundation (OCCF) on June 12 to host the second annual Stand and Salute, a Giving Day to honor OC veterans and military families. The 24-hour online effort aims to raise $100,000 in critical funds for 11 local organizations. The inaugural Stand and Salute Giving Day held last year raised $91,068 with participation from more than 283 donors.
Stand and Salute is part of a bold initiative by OCCF to boost the capacity of local nonprofits through a series of Collaborative Giving Days over the coming year. Nonprofits with shared missions are invited to come together to boost collective giving for their causes. OCCF will provide Stand and Salute with seed funding for marketing assets, campaign resources, and collaborative partnerships. The seven Giving Days held throughout 2018 raised a total of $1.4 million for local organizations.
“We’re excited to be a part of this year’s 2nd annual Stand and Salute Giving Day with our fellow nonprofits in Orange County to better serve deserving servicemen and women and their families,” said Nicole Suydam, president and CEO, Goodwill of Orange County. “The funds raised during this one-day effort will allows us to expand our job placement and advancement services at our Tierney Center for Veteran Services and continue to offer these services to all veterans at no cost.”
The 11 organizations participating include 211 Orange County, Bob Hope USO, California State University Fullerton Veteran Resource Center, Honoring Our Fallen, Foundation for Women Warriors, Goodwill of Orange County’s Tierney Center for Veteran Services, Lestonnac Free Clinic, Strength in Support, Strong Families Strong Children, Support the Enlisted Project (STEP), and Zero8hundred.
“OCCF is proud to once again empower the efforts of our local nonprofits toward the common goal of serving OC veterans and their families,” said Shelley Hoss, president, OCCF. “We remain committed to encouraging collaboration as a powerful tool for tackling some of our community’s most pressing issues.”
OCCF first challenged Orange County residents to “give where their heart lives” during the inaugural i©oc Giving Day in 2015, raising more than $1.8 million through gifts to 347 participating nonprofits in just 30 hours. OCCF nearly doubled those results in 2016 during the second annual i©oc Giving Day, receiving contributions totaling $3.2 million for 418 participating nonprofits. In 2017, OCCF re-envisioned i©oc as an expanded opportunity for nonprofits to connect with one another in support of their shared missions.
To give online to Goodwill of Orange County’s Tierney Center for Veteran Services, please visit:
Additional collaborative Giving Days will be announced over the coming year. For more information, please visit:
About Goodwill of Orange County
Goodwill helps people who are facing barriers to find and keep jobs, which provides purpose, pride, and dignity. Founded on the belief that every person should have the opportunity to achieve the independence that work provides, Goodwill is most recognized for being the conduit where donated goods are sold in America’s favorite thrift stores to generate the revenue that provides the services to those who face employment challenges. Goodwill of Orange County, now in its 95th year, has supported hundreds of thousands of Orange County residents since its inception by creating and providing quality training and employment services to empower its program participants to be productive and independent. The nonprofit organization has dozens of programs that support this effort, including the Goodwill Rogers A. Severson Fitness & Technology Center, Orange County’s only facility specially designed for people suffering from chronic illnesses and physical disabilities; its global approach to serving veterans and their families, Goodwill of Orange County Tierney Center for Veteran Services, which helps former service members and their families find resources and services to meet and serve their unique needs, including housing, job placement, education, and wellness; and its Assistive Technology Exchange Center (ATEC), which provides access to more than 1,000 state-of-the-art technology devices for children and adults with disabilities. These are just a few of Goodwill of Orange County’s innovative programs that have served those facing barriers in Orange County for the past nine decades. To learn more about Goodwill of Orange County, visit
About Orange County Community Foundation
Founded in 1989, the Orange County Community Foundation (OCCF) works with donors, strengthens the local nonprofit sector and works to find solutions to community needs. Since its inception, OCCF has awarded nearly $600 million in grants and scholarships and ranks in the top two percent in grantmaking activity among more than 780 U.S. community foundations. For more information, visit or call 949-553-4202. Be a part of our conversation on Facebook Twitter and Instagram. View OCCF’s 2018 annual report here.